As we move into the new era of consciousness it is time for those who are aware to step up and to be ready to make a positive difference in the world.
Over the years I have met and worked with many Empaths and people who are highly sensitive to the energy around them and who pick up the mood and energy of others.
Many Empaths have trodden a life path which is not easy. Over the years I have recognised several significant patterns of beliefs and behaviours which keep Empaths stuck.
Believe me, I know that as an Empath you are highly sensitive to the areas of yourself you see as flaws, but maybe not quite so good at owning the amazing, creative, intuitive, loving person you are.
Take ‘Radical Responsibility’ for the awe-inspiring empathic being of love that you are. This concept may be new to you. It may also be something you are very familiar with.