Life has changed remarkably since World War 2. Until then marriage was seen as a contract far more binding than it is now. The reality was that once they were married, most women had few opportunities to be independent and to fulfill their needs and dreams outside the home. Society had a very clear view of what was acceptable, and this was generally based on what worked well for the children and the husband.
There appears to be a huge mismatch between the romantic fairy story of “Happy Ever After” and the reality for many married couples who find the reality of being married to their spouse very different than their ideal. This puts a huge strain on a couple’s relationship from the outset. For many couples the problems start to manifest themselves quite quickly after all the razzmatazz of the ceremony is over.
So why do couples say nothing?
We all operate in three-time dimensions; the past, the present and the future. Where we choose to focus our attention has a profound effect on the quality of our lives.
Do you think marriage is harder now than it was years ago? Expectations are a lot different, Do you think that makes marriage harder? Read More Now.