Gina Gardiner – Corporate Business Coach


“An impressive coach and exceptional mentor who has developed an innovative and exemplary training programme for emerging and middle managers” Investors in People

“You already have the solution; I’m just here to help you use it”

Gina Gardiner’s extensive training and background in this field has led her to discover that successful coaching is about taking into account a person’s life as a whole in order to tackle specific issues.
From building confidence, improving people skills and working as a team to maximising leadership, effective delegation and maintaining a healthy work life balance, Gina brings her extensive experience as a leader, trainer and Master Practitioner in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) to empower people to overcome the barriers holding them back by identifying themselves as the solution.

Making the most of your staff

Gina has a great interest in leadership, placing it at the heart of her life’s work. As an independent consultant, trainer, business coach and executive life coach and mentor, she has more than 30 years experience in the ongoing personal and professional development of leadership and management skills at all levels from training newly appointed graduates and corporate team building to supporting middle and senior managers.

Building a winning team of well trained staff you can rely on is key to improving all round business performance while, just as importantly, freeing up time to lead a healthy home life.

Gina tailors presentations, workshops and programs to suit the needs of individual organisations, and is valued as an on-going resource after her sessions. Working with companies small and large, her strong portfolio of clients includes Microsoft, CAPITA, The National College of School Leadership, DFES and The Cabinet Office.

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