Leadership *really* matters...

bad manager passing on stress overwhelming team bad boss lack of responsibility and not caring about wellbeing CROPPED.jpg

But *Enlightened Leadership* is more important to us than ever before..

We are facing a global crisis. The media constantly bombards us with news which highlights division, aggression, lack, and disaster. The numbers of people who are isolated, unhappy, stressed, anxious and depressed are already at epidemic proportions – over half the prescriptions in the UK are for anti-depressants – and there seem to be no signs of the numbers reducing. The pace of change appears to be accelerating and around the world, people are struggling to deal with its impact. There must be a significant change in both the way we approach the challenges of today and in the quality of leadership at every level of society. 

Einstein’s definition of madness is to keep doing the same thing and expect a different result. In my opinion, there has never been a time when it was more important for there to be a paradigm shift in the quality and style of leadership. There needs to be a significant and speedy shift from the current style of leadership where trust, respect, and integrity are empty words to a state where leaders are enlightened.

The cost of poor leadership is incredibly high, the statistics which outline the cost of absenteeism, presenteeism, poor health, broken relationships, etc are well documented. What is perhaps less recognised is the levels of apathy, social depression, and disengagement which can be demonstrated by the numbers of people who are choosing not to vote. People talk about their lack of trust, not knowing what or who to believe, a sense of hopelessness in the system, it is endemic and very dangerous as our future and the future of the environment is in the politicians' hands.

A core of highly motivated and enlightened leaders working together can create lasting and profound change. Such a change is possible and greatly needed. Creating such a movement is at the heart of Genuinely-You’s work. 

If you are interested I invite you to join the Genuinely-You Enlightened Leadership Linked In Group:



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