
When it comes to high-powered lifestyles, and taking time to relax – there is no better Master to learn from than Leo.

A model of excellence…

Learning from a Master is the fastest way to make the transformation from novice to expert, in fact, modelling excellence is recognised worldwide as one of the best ways to learn. Leo is an expert at switching off from the world and relaxing, but at the same time, the parallels between him and those of us with high-powered jobs are surprisingly close.

Chasing tails.

Do you spend your time rushing around desperately trying to reduce your "To Do" list, being reactive and chasing your tail? Leo may have a very different set of motivations, but he too rushes chasing his tail - and anything else that moves.

The difference comes when it's time to switch off.

Leo just comes to a complete stop. He lets go of every concern, yawns, and as he stretches every bit of tension leaves his body. He then either curls up or stretches full out and falls asleep - as you can see from the photos. Whereas many of us find it hard to switch off from our work or our worries and find our down time eroded as a result.

When was the last time you really switched off from work?

How often do you pretend you are leaving work behind, but spend the evening doing emails, checking on social media and texting? Do you actually leave your work at work and fully engage with your partner or your children? How many times do you say "I’ll just finish this.... " or "Five more minutes." ?

Research has shown that those who find it difficult to switch off from work pay the price personally and as a family. Insomnia, inability to concentrate, and raised stress levels are just a few of the problems exacerbated by not being able to chill out and let go.


So how can we learn from Leo? Find out in Switching Off From The Rat Race Part 2


Learning From Leo– Switching Off From The Rat Race Part 2

Leo is an expert at switching off from his frenetic world and relaxing, how can we learn to do the same?

Find the Off switch.

How can we learn the essence Leo’s lesson in relaxing offers without ending up with a slipped disc or a hernia? I find it ironic that people talk about switching off from work when the clients I meet, who are struggling to sleep and relax, rarely use the Off switch on their phones or computers. It is actually a really simple solution that really works.

Become fully present.

One of my clients, who is the Senior Director of two very successful companies agreed to try it for a fortnight. The benefits were huge. He slept better and had lots more energy as a result. He and his wife spent quality time really talking to one another rather than them both in the same room but fully focused on an electronic gadget - her on Facebook and he on the computer. His two little girls were thrilled to have Dad available and fully present too.

Interestingly there was no negative impact on his workload as he found that he was more focused at work during the day. It was a win - win all round.

In contact 24/7 365 days of the year?

The boundaries between work and home have become completely eroded in modern times. Bosses and colleagues now expect to be able to contact others in the team 24/7. It is a culture that encourages behaviours that have significant consequences for health, relationships and family life.

Give yourself a break!

So give yourself a break - literally and metaphorically. Be fully engaged and present at work, but give yourself the time and space to relax and regroup by really switching off from it when you are meant to. Learn to stop, just like Leo.

If you find it hard to switch off, get some help. Your physical and emotional well-being are incredibly important and you are worth it.

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