I’ve worked with many clients who approached retirement with dread, and retirees suffering with loss of identity: ‘Who am I if I’m not…’.
Once the status and purpose of their job role was lost, their self-confidence did a nose dive and their mojo lost.
Many described feelings of being trapped in a ‘Groundhog Day’ existence, dreading the day ahead or feeling they were just ‘filling time’.
You may have lost the structure that working offered you.
Without the structure, you may feel rudderless and at sea.
Lunches out, playing golf and travelling are enjoyable but are they enough?
Do they complete you, leaving you feeling happy and fulfilled or have they stopped being special because they are the focus of all you do?
You may think you are over the hill and that you can’t rely on your body.
But I know from personal experience that lack of mobility isn’t what keeps you stuck – it’s your mindset and your willingness, or not, to give up, give in or to use the problem-solving skills you have taken a lifetime to hone, to find a way through.
Find out how to discover your new leadership identity after sixty in my new book on the subject - Genuinely New!
Discovering Your New Leadership Identity, Powerful Purpose and Thriving Life After 60.
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